Thursday, November 23, 2023


On the news today they interviewed ten people who saw the video from the Oct 7 raid in Israel. Each one said the same thing using different words but the gist of it was something like this. It was the most inhumane thing. I will never get these pictures out of my mind. It was impossible to believe that one person could treat another person in such terrible ways and so on. No one said what they saw. What did they see. Did they see babies being beheaded. Did they see babies being killed in front of their parents or parents being killed in front of their children. Did they see people being burned alive. If they saw any of this why didn't they say so. They were interviewed for the specific purpose of reporting what they saw but they reported nothing. On Oct 12 a headline reads, Israel releases images of slain children to rally support. If you go to the site what you see is, the personal belongings of festival-goers are seen at the site of an attack. I watched a five minute clip by Jake Tapper and he gave warnings to those who chose to watch. Not one dead body was shown but witnesses described rape and murder. The news today does not report what happened but what will get readers. Why is it that the public is too immature to see terrible things but the elite people can handle it.

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