Saturday, November 25, 2023


Words like hate speech and misinformation are threatening the first amendment. Government use of emergency is threatening our freedoms. The word misinformation is a signal that something is about to be censored. It is normally one group who does not want an opposing groups opinions expressed. For years liberal thinking people fought to force drug companies to list the side effects when they advertised but when people got a bad reaction from their Covid vaccine they were banned on social media from publishing. When Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University said “Mass testing is an insidious form of lockdown by stealth,” he was black listed on Tweeter. The courts ruled that this went against free speech. This was a particularly important case since the Biden administration was involved. When Covid hit the government announced an emergency and decreed that churches had to close. Speakers invited to colleges are shouted down by students and teachers. Many people are afraid to speak their opinions. Some speech is illegal and is not allowed but other speech must be protected. This goes back hundreds of years when some French guy said, I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It. The solution is more speech.

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