Saturday, November 4, 2023


It is interesting to compare the run up to the Ukraine War and the Gaza War. For over 30 years ever since the wall came forces were moving toward a show down with Russia. The push of NATO into the Eastern European countries was an increasing threat to Russia. The Russian leaders repeatedly asked the West not to surround them with military basis but no one listened. Reports are now coming out that they not only didn't listen, they were formulating plans to dissolve what was left of the old Soviet Union. It was to be the final nail in the coffin for communism in Europe. Meanwhile in the Middle East, the people in Gaza were surrounded and walled off from control of their own water and power supplies. Periodic wars broke out as the people of Gaza saw themselves as living in an outdoor prison. Just as in Russia all of the early warning signs were there but no one seem to understand or maybe care. It was only a matter of time until both Russia and Gaza exploded. There are many other warning signs appearing in the world today that may very well lead to disasters but once again the world seems unable to recognize a problem until it becomes a problem. A person would hardly run a business this way.

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