Saturday, November 25, 2023

Free speech

There is a new phrase that is gaining in popularity called censorship industrial complex. There are 50 large organizations including media, think tanks and universities who want to control what is acceptable speech. The roots of this idea have been around for many years and is today called cancel culture. This is the public shaming of those deemed moral transgressors. More recently this phenomenon has appeared in the Russian disinformation claim in the 2016 election. This was followed by the censoring of information about Covid and next claiming misinformation about climate change. The latest, just coming on the scene,is the idea that intolerance in the form of hate is on the increase. The acceptability of differences in sexual orientation, race and gender are more widely accepted today than any time in history. Just one example of which there are many is that in1950 only 4% of Americans approved of mixed marriage and today that number is 96%. The same is true of gay marriage and premarital sex. Non Christian religions are more acceptable today. Not too many years ago Jewish doctors were not allowed to practice in hospitals and Blacks had separate bathrooms and swimming pools. In 1958, 44% of Whites said they would move if a Black family moved in next door and today that figure is one percent. There has been an increase in the past few years but times are so much better than in the past and this should be reported and not just tell part of the story. That is what critical race theory does in schools. The tell part of the story.

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