Wednesday, November 8, 2023


As early as 2009 top officials at the FBI knew that Carter Page was acting on behalf of the CIA yet did not reveal this to the FISA court when they got permission to tap his phone. Trump hires Page in March of 2016 and announces his run for president in June of 2016. In August of 2016 FISA approves spying on Page which then opened the door to spying on anyone he contacted which finally led to spying on the whole Trump campaign. Selective leaks about the campaign were then given to the press and this continued after Trump was elected. When Trump said he was being spied on the press laughed it off as fantasy without investigating. This was the beginning of the retaliation against Trumps pledge to drain the swamp but the people voted him in. The government continued its war against Trump but it took the pandemic to finally defeat him. Now the bureaucrats are facing the possibility of a Trump second term and they will pull out all the stops to prevent this from happening.

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