Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Saudi Arabia and Iran are the two big powers in the Middle East. Iran has a stronger military but less oil. The Saudi's live in fear that Iran will come after their oil so they sell oil in petro dollars which helps the US economy. In return the US agrees to protect Saudi oil from invaders at least that has been the case for the past 50 years. That begin to change with the onset of fracking which allowed the US to become energy independent. In order to stay on the good side of America the Saudis were considering joining the Abraham Accords. This was a agreement by UAE and Bahrain to normalize relations with Israel. They would join Egypt and Jordan who had previously made peace with Israel. This is history but that leads to theory of why Hamas attacked Israel. They were fearful that if the Arab countries agreed to Israels right to exist this would give the edge to the Saudis. Why at this time leads to more theories and this gets political so all logic goes out the window. Trump told Iran to forget about a nuclear agreement and placed severe financial sanctions on them and put measures to reduce Iran's oil sales. Biden removed these barriers with the idea of opening up the nuclear talks and Iran's oil sales increased from 400,000 barrels per day to over 3 million. This extra money along with the potential Arab agreements with Israel prompted Iran to give the go ahead to Hamas. History will determine the validity of these theories but they look reasonable at this time.

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