Sunday, November 12, 2023

What next

What should the US foreign policy be as reshoring grows amid two wars. In the short term (five years) increase oil and natural gas production to the max. Accelerate the ongoing construction of liquid natural gas export facilities to replace the natural gas that Europe has lost from Russia. Begin expanding nuclear power plants using small thorium reactors. Recognize that wind and solar along with electric cars are not the future and use that money for nuclear. Place an oil blockade and stop Iranian oil shipments. Continue to back Israel in their attempt to destroy Hamas. Encourage NATO to reach a settlement in the Ukraine War by offering Putin the Dombas region and a guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO. Strengthen US ties with East Asia countries like South Korea and Vietnam by allowing them access to US markets much like has been done with Japan. Japan has a shortage of working age people and too many elderly so they manufacture cars in the US and sell them in the US and use the profits to take care of their old people. Move to help European countries to develop nuclear power by sharing technology and engineers like Poland has already done with Westinghouse. Continue growing the economy by assisting in the rapid expansion of manufacturing in the US which will provide the taxes needed to promote the nuclear expansion.

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