Wednesday, November 1, 2023


In recent years people called conspiracy theorist have contended that certain groups within the country would like to over throw the system and start anew. Recent events in Israel have given some credence to this theory. The Declaration of Independence says that all men are created equal. This concept has been replace by all groups are created equal. It started by dividing people by skin color but expanded in to many differences. Certain groups were considered victims and this became popular as these groups were given special treatment. More recently the victim/victimizers have been replaced with oppressed and oppressors and this is where Israel comes into the picture. The big difference was not race but power. The oppressors are the White males where terms like toxic masculinity and White Power come into play. In the minds of many, Israel is seen as the White male oppressor. The idea of skin color went out the window when the Asia American students at Harvard were discriminated against. It was their scholastic record and their economic achievements that caused the problem not their brown skin. A earlier version of this occurred in the 90's when many Korean Americans started successful businesses in the Black communities. The animosity against these businesses was revealed in the Watts riots. Once again it was not about skin color but power. Many Palestinians have whiter skin than many Southern Europeans but it is not about skin color. It is about power.

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