Sunday, November 19, 2023


It is said that truth is the first casualty of war and that seems to be happening in the Gaza War. The reports of babies being beheaded and burnt to death in ovens are rampant across the Internet. The reports say that this information has been confirmed by many sources but there are no pictures. Some reports say the pics are posted on various sites but when you search there the pics cannot be found. President Biden said publicly that he has seen these pictures but a few days later said he was only told about the pics. If this did not happen why was it reported as if it did. The killing of civilians in the surprise attack on October 7 was an act of war and that was all Israel needed to respond. US congressmen have seen the videos but they did not say they saw beheaded babies. Why then was the story about the babies needed. Why would the Hamas fighters kill babies knowing how it would show them as inhuman. All of this has detracted from the fact that act of war was committed. It now seems that one country can attack another and so long as they don't behead babies it's not so bad.

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