Saturday, November 18, 2023


As time closes in on the 2024 presidential election it seems most likely that it will be a repeat between Trump and Biden. The common refrain among Trump voters is we like what he did but not who he is. In broader terms it could be policy verses personality. Policy can be fact but personality is opinion. Policy can be measured but personality is more like a feeling. When voters say they like Trumps policies they mean two dollar gas, 2% home mortgages, real wage growth, 1.5% inflation, lowest unemployment for Blacks, Hispanics and women in history, energy independence, secure boarders, low crime, sanctions on Iran, import taxes on China, reshoring jobs, vaccine, no wars and Abraham Accords. Personality centers around Trumps openness in expressing his feelings, his very un political correctness, his insulting remarks about almost any individual or group. The dislike towards Trump is so strong it carries over to dislike for those who voted for Trump. According to many he is racist, misogynist, xenophobic and just an overall evil person. Most presidents are more secretive about their private thoughts but once in while an open mike reveals another side of the person. While other republican candidates can institute Trump like policies they cannot take on the bureaucracy like Trump. Polls show that Trump and Biden are running neck and neck and this is difficult for many anti Trump people to understand. He is under four indictment including 84 counts of which at least one will lead to a conviction. Studies show he gets 95% negative publicity. Since this election is close, it will once again come down to the ground game as to which group does the best at ballot harvesting. All of this could go away if at the convention Biden says he will not run and they bring forth Michelle Obama who would win easily. Then her husband could have a third term. This gets rid of Trump and overcomes the problem of replacing Harris.

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