Tuesday, November 7, 2023


To many liberals, being liberal means to accept and respect those who are different and up to a point this is good. But like all things when carried to an extreme, trouble arises. People will allow pro Palestinian groups to protest even if they disagree with the premise of the protest. If the protesters change from speech to actions and the actions cause harm to others then most people feel it has gone to far. But what happens when the protesters represent the majority. Many of these Palestinian American groups are being joined by other American Arabs so in places like certain suburban areas of Detroit they are the majority. Will they be allowed use local laws to make things difficult for Jews. Will local officials look the other way when violence against Jews happens. Will these small areas become a blue print for other locations. One of the reasons these ideas come up is the way certain people describe what is happening now. A good example is a recent interview with former President Obama where he said there is no excuse for the way the Hamas fighters treated the Jews and then he proceeded to offer excuses. This is being done more and more frequently by different news people as the war continues. Even President Biden is softening his words as he substitutes pause for cease fire. The president is under some stress in this area. In 2001, 51% of Democrats told Gallup their sympathies lay more with Israelis, while 16% said their sympathies were more with Palestinians. Those numbers flipped by 2023, with 38% of Democrats saying their sympathies were more with Israelis and 49% saying their sympathies lay more with Palestinians. This change is attributed is seen by many as the result of the oppressor, oppressed concept that is popular among democrats. It also has shades of colonialism in the minds of many and there are an unknown of Americans who are and have been antisemitic.

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