Wednesday, September 11, 2024


The abortion issue was supposed to be front center in the upcoming election but it is not working out that way. Polls show that only 17% of people want abortion legal at any time and even fewer 9% want abortion always illegal. This means a large majority 74% want a compromise position and this is where Trump is on the issue. He says abortions should be legal up to 15 weeks with exceptions for rape, incest and life of mother. VP Harris position is abortion at any time. To further calm the waters Trump said he would not sign a federal abortion ban. Most abortions, 85% are because the mother is emotionally or financially unable to deal with a new baby. This type of decision can be made in the first 15 weeks. Abortions late in the second trimester or early in the third are very rare but they do occur. A 22 week old baby is 7 inches long and weighs 11 ozs. At this size the fetus must be removed using a claw like instrument and it is pulled out in pieces which are then reassembled on a nearby table to make sure they got all the parts. The average person witnessing such a procedure would find it revolting. In 2023 about one million abortions were performed and 63% were medical and 37% surgical. Only one percent were late term but that is 10,000. A reasonable argument can be made to justify a late term abortion but it would be a rare situation and would account for only a small percentage of the 10,000.

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