Wednesday, September 18, 2024


A controversy has been brewing over union votes. The teamsters decided not to endorse Trump even though the rank and file prefer Trump. During a voting window from July 24-Sept. 15, rank-and-file Teamsters voted 59.6 percent for the union to endorse Trump, compared to 34 percent for Harris The reason that many union member prefer Trump is that he is opposed to the new green deal which will destroy many union jobs and Trump is for ending globalization which will create new union jobs. That is the reason Trump won in 2016 and these members are still Trumpers. He lost in 2020 because of ballot harvesting and the same thing may happen this year. The leadership did not endorse Trump because they don't want to endanger the relationship they have with the democratic party. It is much like a congressman who feels one way about an issue and his constituents feel another way.

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