Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Border bill

There is a controversy around the immigration bill that Trump encouraged congress to vote against. The main area of concerned is the number of migrants that would be allowed in. After negotiators conferred with the Border Patrol and officials at the Department of Homeland Security, they crafted the legislation to give DHS the authority to close the border if they reached a seven-day average of 4,000 or more border encounters. A seven-day average of 5,000 or more would mandate a border closure. If the number exceeded 8,500 in a single day, there would also be a mandatory border closure. There was one part of the bill that did not get much attention and that is a carve out for children There are exceptions, including for unaccompanied children and any unauthorized immigrant that Border Patrol agents believe should be excused for humanitarian or other reasons. This was seen by many as an open invitation to children to come across the border. There are already 325,000 children unaccounted for and this would lead to more children being put in danger. The $118 billion dollar bill contained only $20 billion for the southern border. The rest went to Ukraine and Gaza.

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