Thursday, September 26, 2024


Since the start of the war the West has sent $380 billion in aid to Ukraine and more than half has come from the US. A new poll taken Sep 24, 2024 finds that 66% of Americans want a NATO-US push for a negotiated settlement in Ukraine. Here is a quote the NY Times from April of 2023. Troop Deaths and Injuries in Ukraine War Near 500,000, U.S. Officials Say In May of this year the World Bank estimated it would cost $480 billion to rebuild Ukraine. Trump has promised a negotiated end to the war and Putin will be more than happy to get out. The sad thing about it is that this same settlement could have been reached before the war started. It is three things. First Ukraine can keep Crimea, second they can keep the Donbas region and third Ukraine will not be invited to join NATO. The old reason for going to war was to prevent Putin from taking over East Europe but now that the incompetence of the Russian war machine has been exposed that threat is no longer a concern. It is long past the time to end this war. No matter how dangerous Russia may have seemed Americans were not ready to send troops to defend Ukraine.

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