Sunday, September 22, 2024


Looking at the two candidate while removing politics from the center of the equation opens the door to new and different evaluation of the two. Trump has provided jobs to millions around the globe with his iconic towers Starting with his 12 major sky scrapers in NY City he has built towers around the world in Panama, Dubai, Mumbai, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Add to that numerous golf courses plus the 30,000 employees who work for Trump companies. His first foray into politics landed him in the White House. Harris was a US senator for four years and a VP for four years. She was never in private business and created zero jobs. She like many politician has never had to meet a payroll. Most have little understanding of the economics of business as they are basically bureaucrats. This explains why Trump seems so out of step with politicians. He is on the outside looking in when it comes to the Washington establishment and they are concerned that he will change the status quo.

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