Sunday, September 29, 2024


In the news recently one commentator referred to Trump as the common sense candidate and there are good reasons for this. Trump wants to make it difficult for people to cross the border illegally. He wants to place import taxes on countries that violate the rules of fair trade. He wants sanctions on Iran as long as they sponsor terrorism. He wants to jail repeat offenders. He want legal abortions with some restrictions. He understands that wind and solar cannot replace fossil fuels. He wants the country to be energy independent. He doesn't want to cancel student debt. He doesn't want to pay reparations. He doesn't what men playing in women's sports. He doesn't want schools keeping secrets from parents. He doesn't want sex change operations on children. He doesn't want to change the names of the Washington Monument or the Jefferson Memorial. He wants to negotiate and end to the Ukraine War. He wants to back Israel to the fullest. He wants to fight misinformation with more free speech. He wants to end globalization and bring jobs back home. He wants equality of opportunity not equality of results. He wants legal merit based immigration. He is pro police and wants a strong military. These are the policies he promoted when he was president and he will promote them again if reelected.

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