Thursday, September 26, 2024


As people learn more about how the government handled Covid there is a slow burn rising from within their guts. The people in charge quickly learned that Covid was a threat to the elderly, the obese and those with pre existing conditions but they chose to lock down most everyone. Old people died alone because they were not allowed visitors. People lost their jobs and were kicked out of the military because they refused to get vaxed. Children, who were already struggling academically, fell further behind. People were fed out right lies when the president said if you get the shot you won't get Covid and if you get the shot you won't spread Covid. People, including qualified scientist, were banned from social medial for spreading misinformation which turned out to be true. This is a threat to the First Amendment over a misunderstood virus which will cause people to mistrust the government if and when the next pandemic comes along. Those who were in charge have yet to come forth and admit they were wrong on so many issues while many others continue to defend the lies. Finally they have yet to determine from where the virus originated.

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