Monday, September 30, 2024


As the US moves merrily along its journey toward re industrialization, there will be a shortage of young workers, people 25 and under. These are the Gen Z's called zoomers born between 1997 and 2012. Data shows that half of this group are hard working socially adaptable and the other half are people who want to work alone. There will be a labor shortage in this group and it will be augmented by migrants coming across the southern border. These people will be an integral part of the expansion caused by the reshoring of manufacturing jobs. In past centuries, factory work was crowded, dirty, and dangerous. It was manual labor with few safety nets or workplace regulations. But reforms and modernization have turned the industry around. Manufacturing offers solid benefits, competitive salaries, and the chance to use your hands—and your brain. One good example is the textile industry. All of the clothes that used to be made in America were shipped to Mexico and later to Asia. During the Covid imports of clothes were curtailed and an interesting thing happened. Small businesses in North Carolina started up new clothing companies using high tech and modern methods and are now making clothes cheaper than those made in Bangladesh. These jobs will require a high school education and people will work side by side with robots making workflow faster, safer and more efficient. Instead of doing the work, these people will program and run the machines that do the work. These will be good paying jobs, many union, with benefits. It is a good time to be a young person in America.

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