Tuesday, September 10, 2024


History can go one way or another often times with just a slight shove. If Biden had followed his promise to be a one term president, the democrats would have had a nomination process and a number of governors would be contenders along with Harris. Governors make better presidents because they have been in office where they had to deal with people in the other party. In addition they had to develop administrative skills. There would have been debates where Harris would not have done well because she is too far left but they would find it difficult to replace a Black female. There would be chance that Trump would now be running against someone other than Harris. In the general electorate about 20% of each side is composed of people who vote for the party which means the candidate doesn't matter to them. This group has gotten smaller in recent years. Of the remaining voters in this election where the candidate matters very few are voting for Harris except by default. People are voting for or against Trump. Intellectual decision making has gone out the window and feelings have come in the front door. There are still a hand full of voters who wait until late in the game to decide how they will vote. These are usually people who do not pay much attention to politics. Come October they start looking around and use a combination of thinking and feeling to arrive at a decision and these are the people who determine the outcome. They use their heads to search out what each candidate stands for and after digesting the information the look to their hearts for a final answer. These are the kind of people that would make good candidates.

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