Saturday, September 7, 2024


People who try to understand Trump too often make the mistake of putting him in the category of politician. He is in fact first and foremost a salesman. He knew from the start that he could not succeed in politics by being a politician so he blazed a new trail. Like sales people he believed that all publicity, good or bad, is good. He said outlandish things and dominated the news almost every day. Next he came along at a time when social media allowed him to by pass the main stream press and so he could vilify them without fear of being shut out. Next he understood that the average person did not think much of the press or politicians and so he went after the press and people liked it. He is the opposite of political correctness at a time when people are fed up with political correctness. He wants to drain the swamp when people are sick and tired of bureaucrats that they see as unelected busy bodies who want to tell other people how they should live. The distrust of government which had been brewing for years came to a head with the 2008 mortgage crisis where people witnessed millions of working people like themselves lose their homes while the bureaucrats bailed out the big banks. He knew the people were upset and he became their voice. At every rally Trump would point to the press and make some derogatory remark and then proceed to blast the Washington establishment as a bunch of elitist who had forgotten about the working people. People instinctively knew what these elitist did not know, that globalization was costing them their good jobs. The final nail in the coffin came when the press started calling Trump supporters cultist. Trump turned the American political system up side down and today the working stiffs are Trumpers.

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