Friday, September 6, 2024


If Trump gets a second term he will secure the border by ending catch and release, building a wall, re institute remain in Mexico and force Mexico to close their border with Guatemala. encourage local DA's to use cash bail and put repeat offenders in jail continue import taxes on Chinese goods renew the Trump tax cuts of 2017 lower the corporate tax rate from 21 to 15% for goods made in the USA end taxes on TIP's and social security expand fossil fuel production to the max negotiate and end to the war by offering Russia the Donbas and not allowing Ukraine into NATO back Israel with all available materials continue expanding LNG export facilities end subsidies on wind and solar forcing them to compete with imports deport illegal migrants starting with those with criminal records promote compromise on abortion with 15 weeks and exceptions for rape, incest and life of mother demand that other countries share the cost of the UN and NATO promote charter schools reinstate sanctions on Iran use all means to increase electricity including nuclear He will oppose mandate on the purchase of electric cars men in women's sports drag queens in schools gender surgery on children tearing down statures of confederate leaders renaming buildings and street named after former slave holders reparations national healthcare national abortion ban government buy backs on guns using they or them in lieu of he, his and she, hers putting illegals in hotels and leaving vets on the street

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