Friday, December 16, 2022


In the news today a story came up that is close to my heart. It has to do with what are required courses in high school. For people who are not aware algebra 2 and chemistry are required course for juniors whereas calculus and physics are electives for seniors. The story was about making algebra 2 and elective course. I believe both algebra 2 and chemistry should be electives just as calculus and physics are electives. In all the algebra 2 and chemistry classes that I have been in and there are many there were always about 10 students who had no idea what was going on. This allowed them time to get into mischief and distract their classmates. Some of those felt that they must not be very smart. If a person is interested in science or engineering they should sign up for these courses but others would be better served if they spent that time learning to read and write. I maintain that when you go to work you must know how to read and write and then you can learn with on the job training. When a company hires a person with a BA in engineering they are not hiring this person because of what he learned in school but because they know he can learn. If he is going to use his technical knowledge he will get a PhD and become a professor or go into research.

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