Monday, December 26, 2022


Experts have been telling us that time is running out to stop a climate disaster. As each deadline is reached the end game is adjusted and the goal posts are moved. The most recent change was from achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050 to getting a 50% reduction. There has been so much misinformation put out by scientist that no one is really sure of what will happen. The same governments who were all in and siding with the environmentalist are now talking a different toon. Germany, one of the leading countries in the climate change scenario is firing up old coal power plants and investing in an entirely new liquefied natural gas infrastructure to fill the void left by the now-defunct Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline. In recent years Germany shut down 13 nuclear power plants and the plan to close the last three has been put on hold. Did the German government actually believe that what they were doing would make a difference when everyone knows that China and India are going full ahead on coal. Germany emits 700 million tons of CO2 while China emitted last year 11.4 billion tons. This was almost a billion tons more than last year. China's increase last year was more than Germany's total output. The best plan is to move to natural gas for power and transportation and start building thorium power plants.

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