Monday, December 5, 2022


Biden's first two years in office, like most presidents, was a hit and miss affair. He started off with honey moon ratings above 50% but that all changed when the US pulled out of Afghanistan. Instead of bringing out the people, then the equipment and finally the troops Biden pulled out the troops leaving the people and equipment behind. Part of this was caused by his desire to be out by the 20th anniversary of the war so he could take a victory lap. Biden passed the American Rescue Plan which sent out $1.9 trillion dollars to the American people many of whom collected more from unemployment that they earned working. Biden passed the $1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure plan which has not yet help much but will in the future assuming the environmentalist don't get in the way. He signed two stopgap measures to avoid a government shutdown. He passed the Uyghur bill which banned imports from Chinese products produced by slave labor. He passed limited gun laws including restrictions on ghost guns, expanded background checks and introduced red flag legislation. He was able to get all who wanted vaccinated. He passed the Inflation Reduction Act which included $400 billion in tax credits and subsidies for clean energy programs. He kept the import taxes on China. He could have had more winners if he had continued on the path to energy independence, kept the border as it was and clamped down on the crime that occurred during the summer of 2020. He has now embarked on a program to increase fossil fuel output and to get tough on crime. The border is still up in the air but even that is starting to change.

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