Wednesday, December 7, 2022

James Baker

The Trump/Russia collusion investigation went on for years and came to nothing. James Baker was the general counsel during this time but in December 2017 he abruptly reassigned his position and six months later in May of 2018 he resigned from the FBI. In May of 2019 he defended the origins of the Russia investigation. In June of 2020 he becomes chief counsel at Twitter. Recently released emails from Twitter show that he took the lead on saying that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation. Last week Musk started to release emails showing that Twitter stop any info on the laptop on orders from James Baker. Musk promised more emails would be released but that didn't happen and today Baker was accused of stopping the release. Musk found out and fired Baker. Interestingly enough none of this is reported in the main press. It is like the border news, missing.

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