Sunday, December 25, 2022

Natural immunity

With a combination of vaccines and natural immunity the country has achieved herd immunity. A study published this month in the New England Journal of Medicine shared findings that supported natural immunity providing greater protection from COVID infection than multiple vaccinations. June 2022 The military is not meeting its enlistment requirements but thousands who have not been vaccinated who have been kick out are not allowed back in. Many more thousands of front line workers like those in the healthcare field and many teachers are not allowed back even though there is a need for nurses and teachers. This seems like people are being punished while the science is being ignored. Once again politics is getting in the way. This will continue as long as people have set up battle lines based on politics. Every issue that comes up people quickly close ranks for their side. Where are the independents when we need them. This looks like one more time when the courts will have to step in because the people cannot compromise.

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