Saturday, December 17, 2022


Without most people realizing it, the bloom is off the rose when it comes to the green deal. The plan to replace fossil fuels with wind and solar is fading as people begin to understand the damage to the earth caused by the mining of raw materials needed to build solar panels and wind mills. The hype around electric cars is being exposed as just that, hype. There will be a time in the future for EV's but that day has not come. When the power used to charge up the car does not come from power plants using fossil fuels and when the charging time is similar to filling up with gasoline the EV will be more acceptable. Once again that day is not here. The reason a company like Tesla with $30 billion in assets is valued at one trillion is proof of the hype. Slowly, as the politics leaves the green deal, reality will set in and then real progress to solving the problem of climate change can begin.

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