Thursday, December 29, 2022


A letter to President Biden. Continue to let the world know that the US is backing Ukraine as long as it takes but meanwhile start the process to a negotiated settlement. Find a strong person with negotiating skills. Do not use your Secretary of State. Send this person first to NATO headquarters where they can join forces. Let them know that the plan is to end this war by offering both sides something they can call a win. Then meet with the leaders of Ukraine and lay out the plan. Ukraine will give up the Russian speaking territories where the people have already voted to secede including the Donetsk and Luhansk regions plus Crimea. In return the Russians will withdraw from Ukraine and Ukraine will join NATO. This plan will be offered to Putin on a take it or leave it basis. If he chooses not to cooperate then release the plan to the world letting everyone know that the offer was made. We will then be back to where we are today but with a clear conscience knowing that the attempt for peace was made and refused. The Ukrainian leaders are too far into this war to think clear. Right now their position is that Russia will have to destroy the whole country and kill all the people before they give up any part of the country. They need someone on the outside to interfere on their behalf.

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