Sunday, December 11, 2022


A free market society works best when government and private business compliment one another. It is the job of business to produce wealth and the job of government to keep business honest. When this is done properly there is money left over to provide a safety net. Governments percent of GDP was under 10% for many years but starting with FDR this began to increase and since it has averaged 20%. In the last three years this has increased to 25%. The government has two sources of income to pay for the safety net. The first is to tax individuals and businesses and the second is to create new money. If they use the second it leads to inflation which hurts those people that the safety net is supposed to help so that is self defeating. The best approach is to use regulations to encourage business to grow while creating a fair and safe market place. The first responsibility of government is to protect its citizens and about 11% of the budget goes for defense and this expenditure can be changed each year. The biggest portion of the budget is for social security, Medicare and medicaid and this accounts for 62% of the budget and is set in law. As long as government recognizes that business is the golden goose they will take steps to control business in a way that allows growth while protecting the public.

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