Wednesday, December 14, 2022


J Edgar Hoover was instrumental in founding the FBI and he remained head for 37 years. During that time he created the public image of honest hard working public servants who used the latest scientific methods to capture criminals. Everyone knew the FBI always gets its man. While this image may be accurate there was a dark side that many feel is still active today. Hoover collected dirt on many people and used that dirt as blackmail to retain his position and power. People got a glimpse of this power in 2017 when Senator Schumer said, "You take on the intelligence community? They have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you". When Trump called the press fake news he asked for trouble and they went after him but that was only a minor problem compared to what happened when he went after the deep state. The Department of Justice was on him like stink on a pig. It started while he was a candidate and continues to this day. They listened in on administration officials and leaked things that would be considered detrimental. The raided people, including Trumps lawyer, with early morning forays into their homes gathering private information which led to a couple of convictions. Their goal is to make sure he will not be president again and for all intents and purpose they have succeeded. They also succeeded in putting the fear of God into any future president who might want to take on the establishment. Their chances of success were enhanced by the many people who feel it is okay to use whatever means necessary to get rid of Trump once and for all. Best be careful. First they come for the Jew, then they come for you.

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