Sunday, December 11, 2022

Women's movement

Trump supporters are in a quandary as they like his policies but not his personality. They have an out, as DeSantis holds the same policy views as Trump but without the baggage. Something similar happened with Bill Clinton. When Monica Lewinsky was being dismissed by the White House as flighty, flirtatious and prone to exaggeration many asked where are the women's groups. Only a couple of years earlier women around the country came to the aid of Anita Hill. Opinion polls show that women generally are more supportive of Mr Clinton than men and prepared to overlook his behavior with Ms Lewinsky even if proved true. They liked Clinton's policies and were willing to overlook his personal behavior. In spite of Clinton's liaisons with different women when he left office he had an approval rating of 72%. The women's movement was rekindled ten years later and came on strong against in the nomination of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court but has since faded. The stories about Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein failed to fire up the women so the public lost interest in the Me Too movement.

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