Friday, December 30, 2022


In the past when people would complain about government someone would ask, what would you do about it. The first answer was I am not elected to solve problems, that is why I vote for people who I believe can solve problems. But this time I can go a step further and offer solutions. The three main problems facing the country are inflation, crime and the border. On inflation we must increase our supply of fossil fuels to the max and increase the exports of natural gas to the max, stop spending money we don't have and increase taxes on the wealthy. On crime follow the program used in NY City in the 90's. The murder rate dropped from over 2,000 per year in the early 90's to less than 900 by 2000. They instituted the Broken Windows concept meaning they arrested people for minor crimes like shop lifting and jumping the turnstile on the subway. They used stop and frisk to reduce the guns on the street. Criminals were sentenced to jail and their was no cash free bail. Judges and DA's followed the laws and put criminals in jail. On the border bring back remain in Mexico, stop catch and release, build a wall and the number of crossings would be 40,000 per month as they were two years ago instead of the 200,000 per month we have today. Now if you don't like these solutions then I put the shoe on the other foot and ask what would do. For some nothing is the answer because they see no problems but for those that do what is your solution. If you don't like my solutions then offer something better don't just complain.

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