Wednesday, December 21, 2022


I spend a lot of time listening to music, mostly on Youtube and yesterday I heard a song where the lyrics said God spent 6 days making the world and the seventh day He rested but then they said on the eighth day God created music. I have often thought about this and one day while watching Shawshank Redemption for the fifth time it came to my favorite scene when the two opera ladies sang in the prison. The men who had been locked up some for many years were mesmerized by their voices. I had this idea years ago that when humans were hunters and gatherers they would sit around the five in the evening and the women would sing. On those nights when the men were away camp hunting I pictured one night a man picked up a hollow tube, poked some holes in it and began playing the first flute. Since that time men have created many new instruments all with the idea of mimicking the female voice. And that is how God created music.

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