Thursday, December 8, 2022


It has been three months of protest in Iran led by young women and around the western world some have joined the protest but in the US all is quiet. Now is the time for the US to forget about any nuclear agreement and in a loud and clear voice condemn the Iranian dictator. Iran has reached the point of no return and the US needs to shine the light on what is going on just as the west as done in Ukraine. At this point in dictatorships they must use force to survive and they will. The more the world can shine the light on what is going on the bigger the chance of the people winning. The supreme leader in Iran Ali Khamenei has been in power for thirty years and power corrupts. He can tell the president what to do. He is in charge of the military. He appoints the judges. He controls the press. Billions of dollars have disappeared and much is used to finance terror groups around the world. The mistreatment of women is just the point of the spear. This is a corrupt government and the people are crying out for help. Time for Americans to wake up and in particular the women of America.

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