Tuesday, December 20, 2022


The claim was made that Russia interfered with the 2016 election. While they did try the big question involved Trump/Russia collusion and after a two year investigation by a special prosecutor found no collusion, the case was settled. What was not settled is the Clinton interference surrounding the false information that led to the listening in on members of the Trump administration including Trump. The only result was a number of FBI employees lost their jobs trying to employ their plan B insurance policy. Next came the 2020 election where the FBI worked closely with social media to limit and/or block conservative views. Twitter where 99% of the employees donated to the democratic party was infiltrated by dozens of former FBI agents and placed in policy making positions. This was followed up with the FBI assigning 80 agents to oversee activities at Twitter. Recent emails reveal a partnership between the FBI and Twitter. There is some evidence that the release of the Hunter Biden laptop would have affected the election,which in laymen s terms means election interference. This kind of thing would be difficult for the press to expose because they were all in on the squelching of the laptop. Will congressional investigations be able to penetrate the wall surrounding the bureaucracy. Not likely as the Department of Justice will not be investigating itself. After all the dust settles the bureaucrats will still be running the country. The only person who was able to shake up these unelected officials was Trump and he has been totally discredited so all other politicians have seen the light and will stay away from the deep state.

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