Saturday, March 4, 2023

Covid info

One of the many threats to the United States comes from within and that is the bureaucrats. Take, for example, the origin of Covid. Bureaucrats are allowed to see the classified information but elected people are not. This is just asking for trouble. Following these rules they could do or say anything and the public would never know. They are the fox and the hen house. On a regular basis some new revelation comes out about the misinformation the public receives from these permanent government employees. The Senate passed a bill by unanimous consent on Wednesday to require the director of national intelligence to declassify information related to the origins of COVID-19 This week the house will pass this bill and the public will get an insight into how the bureaucracy works. When this information is presented, if it is like most times, it will be so redacted that it will be difficult to discern what happened. This assumes that the Justice Department won't just refuse to release the information. Realize that they are the enforcers and could refuse and there is not much congress could.

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