Wednesday, March 1, 2023


Two separate issues have come together in the news today which will allow me to make a point about finance. The president wants to cancel student debt and many are worried about social security going broke. I tell them to relax because neither of these things will cost you any money. This is of particular concern to republicans who go around with their heads hanging down as they fret over the national debt. They need to stop that as they cannot get reelected if they want to pay as you go for these benefits. They should listen to the democrats who actually know how this all will be handled. The government will just print up the money to pay off the student debt and then they will print however much is needed to keep social security afloat. All those who run for office claiming that we must pay our debts will soon be out of a job and those who promise benefits without payment will be in a job. The new economic polices by those in the know are based on the fact that the government has been spending more than it has been taking in for 75 years and there is no reason to believe that this cannot continue despite the screaming of the balanced budget freaks. The government went off the gold standard to finance wars and so they now use paper money to finance any thing they want including canceling student debt and funding social security.

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