Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Through out history writings of various forms like speeches, pamphlets and books have influenced public behavior. The pen is mightier than the sword. Lincoln's Gettysburg address, Common Sense by Thomas Paine or Books like Silent Spring, Mein Kamph, The Communist Manifesto by Marx or the Bible are all examples of how words can change the world. Sometimes the change is for the good and sometime not. With the onset of AI a computer may one day have access to every thing that was ever written. It can also have everything that was ever written about how the world reacted to what was written. It can then be directed to write something that will influence human behavior in a particular direction. This is just one of the dangers of AI run amok. It is necessary that some controls be installed to avoid misuse. In a small way some of this is already happening. Algorithms in use on social media promote disharmony, divide people into groups and promote racism and hatred.

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