Sunday, April 30, 2023

Spend or not

Some well intended republican congressman was on TV talking about cutting government spending. Most of the spending is mandatory so he is talking about discretionary spending. Mandatory spending are things like social security, Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare so he is left with cutting veterans benefits, health care, education, housing, transportation, environment, science, and school lunches. President Biden wants to increase social programs and this congressman wants to cut social programs. Which side of this argument do you want to be on. His argument is that you can't keep spending money you don't have but that argument has been around for 50 years and the spending has only increased. The congressman doesn't understand that the Fed can just keep printing money. His argument falls on deaf ears. Someday in the future the whole thing may collapse and all of those people who voted for deficit spending will step forward and say I told you this would happen and any idiot should have known that. Many of those free spenders will be retired or dead so those who happened to be in office on the day reckoning will pay the piper.

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