Thursday, April 20, 2023


There are reports coming almost daily about how climate change is traumatizing children. This is the result of what they learn in school but they are not told the whole story. The Greenies push wind and solar as the solution but they rarely tell the part about how the mining and processing of rare earth metals harms the planet. They never talk about the ecological problems associated with disposing of all those same metals. Here is a way to get the kids involved with a test to determine how important they believe climate change is. One of the rare earth metals is indium. This is used to create touch screens. How many students would give up this convenience and go back to pushing up and down arrows. This is a small price to pay to protect the drinking water for 150 million Chinese. Would these same children forgo the batteries needed for windmills if they knew that there were 40,000 children much like them working in the cobalt mines in Africa. Were they informed about these children in the schools. When you as a teacher only tell half the story you are following the CRT method of teaching. You tell the students how terrible the Native Americans without teaching about how the lives of these people have improved over the past 100 years. One of the most common ways to mislead people is not lying but by leaving out part of the story.

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