Wednesday, April 12, 2023


After WW2 the United States led the world into what became known as globalization and now the US is leading the world away from globalization. As the US begins the process of bringing manufacturing home (on shoring) the need for Mexican labor will increase dramatically. The problems of drugs, trafficking and crime have alerted the US to the problems at the border but having the cartels interfere with manufacturing in Mexico will not be tolerated and for that reason the border will be secured. The US will provide engineering technology to build up the manufacturing in Mexico and this will result in a second industrial revolution. It will be the greatest economic growth period in US history. Mexicans will not only help make goods but they will become consumers of what they make similar to what happened in the US in the last century. It is the final defeat of Marxism as Marx never envisioned the worker bees being in a position to purchase what they produced. Mexico will be going through a time similar to what the US went through in the 50's and 60's. The supply chains will all be close to home and shipping cost will be minimal. These next few years while these changes are happening will cause some dislocation and inflation but after that the good times will roll.

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