Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Asian students

The goal of many parts of today's society is something called equity which means equal results but the origin of this idea is something called disparate impact. This means using actual data around a situation and adjusting the results to meet a certain goal. For example. In a given city too many Blacks are being arrested so the decisions is made to remove some of the officers in the Black part of town. Or if the data shows that Blacks commit a disproportionate number of felonies then the district attorney's will not prosecute certain crimes in order to bring down the number of arrest. Some feel that the arrest are made based on race but data does not show that. In fact data shows that many cities have quit using red light cameras to catch people going through red lights because too many of them were Black. Years ago test scores for police and firemen applicants were adjusted based on race and more recently the MCAT test scores for medical school were race adjusted. The country is continuing down the path of replacing meritocracy with mediocrity while China and India keep pushing students to achieve more based solely on merit. Achievement is actually punished in some ways. Asian students are treated differently because they are such over achievers. Stuyvesant high school is the premier school in NY City and since 70% of their students are Asian Americans they are going to reduce their entrance requirements in the name of diversity.

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