Thursday, April 6, 2023

Wind solar nuke

Nuclear power has been given a bad rap by those who push wind and solar and by the fossil fuel industry as both see it as a competitor. There are 92 nuke plants in the US and most have been operating for more than 50 years and no one has ever been injured or died from a nuke incident. All of the waste material from all of these plants can be store in an area the size of a football field ten feet deep. New small nuke plants can use up stored nuke waste and cannot melt down. These plants can be produced on an assembly line and transferred on a semi truck to where needed avoiding the long transmission line. Wind and solar plants must be where the sun shines and the wind blows and this is often hundreds of miles from the use point. They take far less space than either wind or solar. A 1,000 megawatt nuke plant takes one square mile. The same power from wind takes up 360 square miles and for solar it is 75 square miles. They do not require materials that must mined at the expense of the environment. Wind and solar need lithium, copper, cobalt along with rare earths most of which are mined in other countries and almost all are processed in China. They need no back up power source like wind and solar. Over the past 20 years more than one trillion dollars have been spent on wind and solar and those two sources now account for 5% of the energy production. Last fall China started up the first small nuke power plant and they plan to sell these to the rest of the world.

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