Tuesday, April 11, 2023

War fever

In October of last year 23 democratic congress people wrote a letter to Biden suggesting that we should be looking at a settlement to the war while we are helping Ukraine. Even though polls show that 57% of Americans want a peaceful settlement, within days the congress members retracted the letter. In a statement issued yesterday congress made a dramatic U-turn, scrapping the letter implying it had all been a mistake. The pro war advocates have so much power they can shut up the congress. When Elon Musk said we should look for a settlement he was accused of being a Putin puppet even though he is spending $20 million dollars using his Starlink system to provide communication to Ukrainians. Connected via a Starlink satellite, it allows Ukrainian artillery teams to target Russian positions by dropping anti-tank munitions, often in silence and at night. Once the war fever starts and the military industrial complex gets control it is difficult to change couse. There is far too much money to be made.

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