Sunday, April 16, 2023


The world should be thankful that the United States military belongs to the US. Think for a minute how other countries might use such power. Start with the little dictator in North Korea and move on to the Ayatollah's in Iran and today even China and Russia. Would other countries show the restraint that the US has shown. Since 1990 the US has been the single super power and the US has not expanded its territory. Even at the end of WW 2 where the Soviets took all of Eastern Europe the US took nothing. The US instead sent money, equipment and engineers to rebuild Europe. In spite of this there are many in America who see this country as some kind of evil empire. This is the country that has the largest immigrant population in the world. Currently 50 million people living here are foreign born. This is more than the next ten countries combined. In addition these immigrants come from all parts of the globe. The US is truly a melting pot. Recent polls show that there are 160 million people who want to come to America.

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