Monday, April 10, 2023


A number of liberal led cities around the country are losing population. The problem is partly loss of population but more importantly is who is leaving. Most people today are not old enough to remember what happened to Detroit but something similar is happening in cities today. It was called White Flight. It was White business owners and White workers who moved to the suburbs. Taxes and racial problems caused them to leave. Thus began the downward spiral that led a thriving city of 2 million to decay into a bankrupt city of 800,000. The tax base declined to the point that the only way out was bankruptcy. In 2013 Detroit was $18 billion in debt and filed for bankruptcy. For the cities today it is high taxes, high crime, homelessness and drugs that are causing people to leave. Portland is an example. Rising crime and homeless camps that have spread from downtown and into the suburbs have pushed out countless businesses and residents. 'It's a hollowed out shell': Portland business owners say they're fleeing crime-ridden Dem-led city en masse after it turned from the 'crown jewel of the West Coast' into criminal-run city The City of Roses has been in peril since 2020, largely due to efforts to defund police and lax bail reform laws that leave little to no deterrent for increasingly brazen criminals.

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