Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Biden 24

Biden announced his run for a second term this AM and he said very little about what he would do but talked at length about how he will stop the republicans. His theme was lets finish the job but he failed to mention what the job was. Normally an incumbent runs on his record but Biden chose to ignore that and talk about how republicans want to cut social programs, limiting voting access, taking away abortion rights, voting rights, LGBT rights and banning books. This is the strategy since he would rather avoid the issues that polls say are important to people, things like inflation, crime and the border. This now lets the press know what to do and they will put the issues of inflation, crime and the border on the back burner. The press will continue their constant tirade against all things Trump and Biden can stay on the side lines preforming the duties of president and let the press campaign for him. Unless Biden's health deteriorates he should win re-election. The only thing standing in the way is how well the republican ground game can harvest ballots.

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