Wednesday, April 12, 2023


Senator Tim Scott, republican from South Carolina, announced his run for president. He is an interesting candidate because he agrees with Trump on the issues but has a completely different background. He grew up in a single parent family and his mom worked long hours to put food on the table. Like most poor Black families they survived by placing their faith in God, family and church. His campaign will be based around the claim that America is the land of opportunity not the land of oppression and his life is the proof. He says we are victors not victims, that if we work hard and take responsibility for our actions we can achieve the American dream. He represents the next generation and knows that the stepping stone to success is education and understanding that separating people in groups is destructive. He will not be able to overtake Trump but he will cause the conversation to shift to the good side of American like the land of opportunity and get away from ideas like systemic racism and victimization.

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