Monday, April 17, 2023


The story about the 21 year old who leaked secret information has people wondering what ever happened to the free press, the media that functions as a watchdog and investigates and reports on government wrongdoing. The press uncovered this guy and instead of hiding his identity and trying to get more information from him they turned him over to the pentagon. Then their questions were all about how did this happen and what is being done to make sure it doesn't happen again. Why didn't they question the government about the misinformation that has been disseminated to the public about the war. What about the contradictions that are revealed in the leaks. It appears that the Washington Post has additional information they have not released and that they are releasing info on a selective basis. What else is going. In recent years the press has been accused by some as partnering with the administration and this just adds fuel to that argument. The White House responded by asking people not to read about this. The White House has responded to a cache of leaked US intelligence documents on the Ukraine prosy war by discouraging the public from reading them.

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